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Writer's pictureJoe Graham

Mind full of words, but can't get them out

Session Report Friday Feb 18th Music Therapy Met Campus Paediatrics

Client History: “Boy C” is 15yrs old with depression and anorexia. I have had one prior visit with him. The client likes rap music specifically Eminem. We created a loop recording to one of Eminem’s songs from 8 mile.

Assessment: “Boy C” is quite, he smiles often but has a tired look on his face the other times. With art therapy he had difficulty drawing a tree when prompted, being creative and in the moment is an obstacle for Him. When he was asked to improvise on the piano, he had a difficult time doing so. When asked if he tends to think in great detail about what to say to people before speaking up he agreed strongly. “Boy C” has not demonstrated the desire to initiate conversation, but responds well when prompted.

Action: Using the loop we created the week prior we began an improvisation session on the piano. First I improvised with my guitar for him, adding a bit of the cool factor for our connection. When presented with the keyboard and the play rules “Boy C” was very hesitant to play and said “I’m no good at making things up.” I adjusted the play rules to a call and answer improvisation. Still using only white keys and focusing on notes A – E “Boy C” was instructed to play one note and then I would play one to follow, we improvised for about 5 mins just with one note at a time, it worked very well. Not only was “Boy C” responding quickly but in time with the music. We adjusted the play rule to 2 notes at a time then 3 notes at a time. “Boy C” excelled in this area of improvisation and maintained rhythmic integrity even when I deliberately tried to throw him off to see his reaction.

Lyric improvisation: We created a list one word at a time they could be totally random or related to the previous word. “Boy C” was given a blank piece of paper and a clip board and he started the word list. After we had sixteen words I told him we had to chose 2 of the words on the list at a time and say them then I had to choose 2 words form my list that related. We later did this with 3 words and to the recorded loop, in a short amount of time we were rapping random words in rhythm to the beat. He really excelled at this structured, call and answer style of improvisation. Notably he started the phrase, I was the answering party, so it shows he does have good initiative skills he needs better strategies to employ them.

Response: “Boy C” had a good expression on his face, he showed a sense of accomplishment in his writing and in his playing. We talked about being in the moment and not thinking everything through before you say something. I added, sometimes you have to just say something even though it’s not the right thing to say. He understood and agreed with me that he would try to speak up more often.

Evaluation: Music therapy has been beneficial for “Boy C” in the social and communication areas. He has demonstrated the ability to communicate himself when prompted, and is beginning to prompt discussion himself. The sessions are very positive and uplifting for “Boy C”. The computer and keyboard equipment have facilitated a good connection since he is very technical minded. When entering his room he was reading a book on how to upgrade computers.

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